TypeRacer Accounts Are Here

The wait is over – you may now create an account on TypeRacer and have all your racing results recorded, sorted, and graphed!

Typeracer Screenshot - Saved Scores
Screenshot - Saved Scores

There is also a new section called Fastest Typists.  Unlike Recent High Scores, which only last for an hour, “Fastest Typists” is a permanent tribute to the best players.  Sign up for an account to get your spot on the list!

Typeracer Screenshot - Fastest Typists List
Screenshot - Fastest Typists List

You will also notice that TypeRacer is now keeping track of two additional statistics – your best race ever and the number of races you have won.

One significant change is that your overall score is now your average WPM for just the last 10 races.  This is the number you see in the upper-right corner of the screen, and it’s used to rank players on the various scoreboards like Fastest Typists.

If you are using TypeRacer from a social network like MySpace or Orkut, your historical scores (the My Scores section) will become available some time in the future.  For now, the main thing that has changed is that you will be ranked among your friends using your average for the last 10 racers only (instead of the all-time average that was used previously).   We introduced this change to make it easier for you to improve your standing.

Accounts on TypeRacer will allow lots more exciting capabilities in the near future.  Subscribe to this blog for upcoming anncouncements!


  1. “guess…”: We have just added 30 more quotes yesterday, and now that the really hard work of bringing you user accounts is over, will try to start adding at least 20 new quotes every week!

  2. So what happened to all the races I’ve done up
    to now? And why do I have to sign in everytime,
    even if I leave the remember me on this
    computer box checked?

  3. hey is it possible for you to add a chat window to the races so if we feel like communicating or challenging somebody to race we’d be able to do so?


  4. Darren, before you created your account, your data was not recorded permanently, but now it is. This is a major step toward taking TypeRacer out of “beta” status. The “remember me on this computer” check box has been tested and it should work unless you have cookies turned off in your browser. Please email support AT typeracer.com and we’ll get to the bottom of it, if you’re still having trouble.

  5. Justin – we’re going to try to get TypeRacer onto Facebook as soon as possible! Thanks for your interest.

  6. badtyper – chatting at the end of a race is a great idea, and we’ve will try to make it happen! I think that pretty much everyone would like this feature 🙂

  7. That is genial, but I have that problem.
    I’m spanish. I speak and write english very good, but I’m not so accustomed to the grammar, and I think that I haven’t the same possibilities like the English-speakers. Could you make a page in spanish.

  8. New typeracer is awesome. From here, I’d suggest that the two biggest priorities should be developing chat between users, and better cheat prevention. Having a permanent high-scores is encouraging cheating.

  9. I am not sure if its my computer or not
    but the game kinda lags and it messses me up
    but its a great game more quotes!! 😀

  10. This is great! I’m a little scared of what’s going to happen when/if this gets Dugg, since I know it’ll result in a trillion people coming in, many of which will find ways to work around your anti-cheating tools. Still, for the time being, it’s lots of fun.

  11. spanish spanish please!!!
    a site like this with spanish words, english is ok, but so difficult for people who spoken in spanish.

  12. Ca serait super si on pourrait rajouter notre photo avec nos stats car je n’ai pas de compte myspace et autre alors si typeracer aurait eux aussi une place qu’on pourrait rajouter une photo de nous ca serait cool comme ca tout le monde pourrait avoir sa photo meme si il ont pas de myspace orkut et autres chose dans ce genre.

  13. I was going to post a comment asking if anyone else is having problems with lag, but I see that a few people already have. I’m curious to find out if the problem is with my computer or if there is something server-side that can be done to fix it.

    My suspicion is that it has something to do with my computer, unfortunately…

  14. One other problem I have is that I’ll occasionally lose points because of a typo (usually due to poor punctuation), and that’s frustrating. One inconsistency I can think of right now is the Juno quote (when she’s going off on Bleeker). One of the instaces of “cause” is preceded by an apostrophe (which is probably appropriate, since it’s the slang form of “because”), and another in the same passage has no apostrophe.

  15. great fun – except the last two (and only two) times I’ve typed over 100 wpm I couldn’t see what I was supposed to type in the verification test… that sucks.

  16. I agree the cheaters have found someway out to cheat us here also. Anyways who cares the point I really wanna put up is that when we r going to have chatting facility before or after the race. It would be really fantastic 🙂

  17. I just discovered this site from an article in the latest issue of Maximum PC. It is quite fun. A couple of more things that I’d like to see are more stats. A longer history of stats would be nice in addition to some sort of stats that shows your error rate. Not sure how easy that error rate would be though, it probably isn’t easy at all. Thanks for the fun time waster!

  18. Hi everyone, type racers! Haha, I saw this site on geeksugar.com it’s one of the featured websites, and it’s seriously addicting, challenging and fun though not that good graphics, maybe you can allow us to design our own cars ( like an avatar/ character ). You could also have a chat room here, so it would be cooler and awesome. But anyway, it’s really fun.

    12y.o -=Kimshane=-

  19. Alex: Thanks so much for creating and continuing to work on Typeracer! It is a great application.

    I do have a question regarding quotes, however. Does the entered age of the user affect the quotes s/he sees and uses in any way? A teacher commented on my blog post about TypeRacer that some of the quotes he’s seen are “R rated.” That will pose problems for teachers and students who want to access and use TypeRacer at school. I like how you are using quotations from movies, songs and books. Are you doing things to help insure that younger Typeracer users don’t encounter quotations to type that have content which could be construed as inappropriate for school– for instance that includes overt sexual references?


  20. This is wonderful and awesome, really superbly done, first of all, its an addictive kinda game and adding these new cool stats stuffs, adds and extra taste to the stuff. thx.

  21. Sorry for posting again, I thought of suggesting, since many updates are been done in the typeracer.com. It would be totally cool, to see other racing images, instead of those same old cars. like buses, bikes, horses, or may be animals. Could be like, some particular image chosen at random for unique races!!. anyways, just a suggestion. even without it its good, can become cool!!!.

  22. I would have a place on the site or say how ca one is online and also how he registration since August 8, 2008.

  23. Pistos: email addresses with only 1 dot are accepted. Will rework the algorithm to accept multiple dots. By the way if you’re using GMail, you can ignore the dots in your email address and it will still go to your mailbox.

  24. I want to change my email address associated with typeracer since I’ve changed my primary email address. Is it possible?

  25. i want my account to be seen on facebook, but when i logged into typeracer, it became “my name” “typeracer” instead of “my name” facebook user”. i like my old one better because my pic appears. how do i de associate my typeracer account from my facebook account?

  26. Same problem as Hiiden. I clicked the ‘my account’ link in the facebook app, and now it forces me to play under my typeracer account and won’t let me play as my facebook profile (which has better scores). I tried clearing cookies etc. etc. I would not mind this so much, except the ‘add to profile’ feature of the facebook app only appears to only show data for the facebook profile, not the typeracer profile. (the facebook profile is impossible to improve or change since I can no longer log into it)

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